Beautify your site with icon fonts to get the best results. Learn how to add them easily!
![Beautify your site with icon fonts to get the best results. Learn how to add them easily!](
Icon fonts are visually appealing and add uniqueness to your website. You can simply use icon fonts as art elements to attract visitors to your website. WordPress users can add icons directly or by using a plugin.
In this tutorial, I’ll show how to add icon fonts in WordPress quickly and easily.
What are Icon Fonts?
Icon Fonts are individual fonts that contain graphical symbols instead of letters or numbers. It is easily scalable and can be modified with CSS. Icon fonts are very versatile and easy to integrate in WordPress. Hence, it is widely used on websites. Additionally, it works well in responsive web designs.
Where can I find Fonts for WordPress?
There are thousands of sources on the internet where you can find both free and premium WordPress icon fonts. Font Awesome, Fontello and Icomoon are some of the best-known sources of font icons. You can find a variety of font icons that range from familiar icons like social media icons, shopping cart icons and niche-specialized icons.
How to Add Icon Fonts to WordPress Using a Plugin
This is the easiest method to add icons to WordPress. For this tutorial, I am going to use one of the most popular plugins, Font Awesome.
First of all, you need to install and activate the Font Awesome plugin. With this, you can now add icons to your posts via the new Icon Chooser, short codes, or HTML snippets.
Using Icon Chooser
After that, Navigate to WordPress post editor. Click on the Font Awesome option in the extended format bar.
Next, search the target icon and select it to add it in your posts. Once you’ve done that, the short code is automatically inserted into your content, and the icon will appear when you preview or publish your post or page.
Using Short Code
However, you can also add icon fonts to WordPress through short code. All you have to do is select and include any icons via the short code icon name and prefixes.
The short code for an icon looks like this:
[icon name="house-circle-check" prefix="fa-solid"]
Note: In case you decide to exclude giving a prefix, the style will default to being too solid.
Using HTML snippets
Or simply use basic HTML snippets. However, make sure to follow standard Font Awesome syntax:
<i class="fa-solid fa-house-circle-check"></i>
That’s it! You’ve successfully added the icon font to your WordPress posts. You can now click on preview to see how it looks in real time.
Wrapping Up
To wrap up, this is how you can add icon fonts in WordPress. However, it is recommended to add up to two icons per webpage to avoid slow loading. Also, use a Font Awesome plugin compatible theme on your website. I hope you find this article helpful. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
If you’ve got any questions, then feel free to ask us in the comment section down below.
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