How to add Posts to a page for your WordPress site: Easy steps

Adding posts to a page on your website might seem like a confusing and daunting task to do, but it’s nothing and takes only a few easy steps if you know how to do it.
While using the WordPress platform, you will definitely add some type of post. A post is created when you have a lot to say and when you need to say it often. As it contains information that you want to share with your audience, which is the reason we create a post in WordPress.
By default, WordPress automatically shows all the posts on the homepage, where most of us find it inappropriate and less attractive to our site. So that’s the reason we add posts to pages. As pages organize and present our content appropriately.
Here, we will be learning how to add posts to pages where you will be able to see your post in dedicated pages through different ways.
But before that, let’s know together why we should add posts to pages and why it’s necessary and important to improve your user’s experience.
Why add posts to a page
Creating an enhanced and organized blog section
Especially if you don’t own a dedicated blog website, you’d want to showcase your contents in a personalized blog section. Having an enhanced and organized blog section will aid your visitors in getting information quickly, helping you to garner engagements and positive user experiences.
Separating static and dynamic contents
Static content means pages like About Us, Privacy Policy and Contact Us. They are not subject to gradual changes and remain quite static pretty much on every website. But dynamic content includes any of the other pages. Therefore, it is very necessary to separate them accordingly. And adding specific posts to pages might be the solution for that problem.
Customizations and Flexibility
Having a dynamic page for your contents will also make it easier for you to customize your site and pages without any issues for additional enhancements and flexibility.
Step-by-step guide on how to add posts to a page in WordPress
If you have a fresh WordPress website, begin by creating a couple of pages and a few more posts to add.
To add posts:
- Login and go to your WordPress dashboard and click on Posts > Add New.
- Add some contents to the posts and click on the Publish button.

Do these a few times more to get multiple posts for your add.
Please note that this instruction is for only the tutorial page; to learn how to properly add WordPress posts, refer to this blog that reflects the topic.
After you’re done with the posts, let’s add some pages:
- Below the “Post” section, click on Pages, then Add New
- Best leave the page empty (with page title, of course) if you directly want to showcase all of your posts on that page. But add contents if you want to add specific posts to your recently created page.
For this tutorial, I’ve added two pages. One with “home,” where you will display the homepage, and another with “blog posts,” which will be used to display your posts.

Make sure that both posts and pages are published before going to the next step.
Our next step is to change the homepage and post page. (Assigning any page as “Postpage” will showcase all the post to that page.)
Changing Homepage and Post page in WordPress
By default, WordPress will show your latest posts as a homepage. You have to change it to a static page and relocate your posts to a new page.
- In your Dashboard, go to Settings > Readings

As we can see, by default, ‘Your homepage display > Your Latest Post (i.e., every post is on the homepage).
So, change it into ‘A static page’ through selecting ‘Homepage as Home and Posts pages as Blog’.
As it’ll replace your default blog page with the chosen static page in your website’s homepage. Where your blog posts will then be displayed on the designated “Posts page.”
Now below the ‘Your homepage display’ we will see ‘Blog page show at most.’ Here, choose how many posts you want to display on the blog page. At last, click Save Changes.
Adding a Post to a Specific Page
Whether you’re managing a blog, portfolio, or business website, you don’t want whatever we post to be on one page. So, displaying relevant content based on categories or topics will make it easier to navigate your content.
To add posts to specific pages in WordPress, you’ll have to:
Create and add a category for your post
- Navigate to Post > Categories. Then, create the categories that correlate with the post you want to display. Now, add a category to your post by selecting from the Categories Box.
- Now, go to the Posts section and click on Quick Edit on any post that you want to change the category of.
- Choose the category for the post and save it by clicking on the Update button

Create new or Edit a Page
After choosing the category, go to the existing page or create a new page and title your page as per your preference (e.g., ‘Blog’). If you want to display only the post, you can leave the content area blank.

Adding posts to your page
Now, it’s time to add your post to the page you want to. There are various ways to add posts to your particular page.
- Using Block Editor
- With Shortcodes
- Adding Plugin
Using Block Editor
- On the specific page (e.g., ‘homepage), choose the + icon, type ‘POST,’
- Insert the latest post. Here, you can choose to display posts as a ‘grid’ or ‘list’ view. For now, I’m choosing the list view.

To edit the post, go to the right-hand side and click ‘Block. You will be able to display and adjust the poet, author, and publication date. Also, you can showcase a captivating image to enhance your post’s visual appeal.
With Shortcodes
Shortcodes are minute pieces of code that can be helpful to add various features, like adding posts to a particular page in WordPress. But it will require you some prior knowledge of coding or at least have some understanding of what you’re or you’ll be doing.
In the context of shortcodes, there is an easy way and a hard way.
The easy way is to add a plugin that can help you with shortcodes.
- Install and Activate Plugin named “Display Posts Shortcode” from your dashboard
- Edit the page where you want to display the posts and insert
shortcode where you want the list to appear. - You can also utilize parameters like for Categories:
[display-posts category="your_category"]
or for tags like[display-posts category="your_tags"]
If you want to learn more about Shortcodes, refer to this blog about adding shortcodes in WordPress
The hard way features configuring your theme’s file, particularly functions.php
to enable and add shortcodes.
- Go to Theme Files Editor in Appearance option on your dashboard, and select
- You’ll have to add your custom function to enable the shortcode and make it function properly.
We recommend that you use a plugin if you want to use shortcodes rather than enabling a custom one, as it is easier to do, especially if you don’t know the ABC’s of the coding.
Via Plugin
Not for shortcodes, but you can use plugins to directly add your posts to any specific page for your website. Having a plugin will also give you more control and authority over the post’s display.

Use plugins like Content Views to easily display the posts on the page and do more with them.
Publish your changes after you’re satisfied with your customization for your website.
How to dynamically add Posts to your Page
To dynamically add posts to your page, we’ll have to use a function called “Query Loop.”. It is a set of PHP code that interacts with the WordPress database to retrieve posts or pages based on specific criteria.
We can customize the query loop to display posts in various ways, such as by category, date, author, or any other criteria you define. Here’s how you can use it appropriately:
- Choose the page where you dynamically want to add posts from your dashboard.
- Add ‘Query Loop‘ block from the editor, and follow through to choose your template

- If you chose a blank template or “Start Blank” option, use the settings panel to adjust what gets displayed.
- You can also choose posts by category, by dates and other options using this method.
- Choose the number of posts you want to display.
- Style your loop as per your preference and publish your page.
With these given steps, you can easily add any type of post to any of your posts. Make sure to maintain the style and relevancy during your edits.
Adding a post to a page in WordPress can be challenging initially, but once you understand the process, it becomes much easier to use. This allows you to organize your content and enhance your site’s functionality.
A well-structured website is not just about looks. So it’s crucial for creating a better experience for your audience. Take your time to explore the features and design a layout that accurately reflects your content’s purpose. Whether you are managing a personal blog or a professional site, these minor adjustments can significantly improve how your website feels to your users.